What do highly successful people have in common?
They Read. A Lot.New Book Available Now!
Making Writing Work for You
A contemporary guide to making income while writing in a digital world.
Harold Taylor is a testament to the power of writing. Writing has been his key to building confidence as an author, financing his education, and establishing a thriving speaking and training business. Even in semi-retirement, writing continues to sustain his lifestyle, mirroring the success he enjoyed during his professional career.
In Making Writing Work for You, Harold shares the secrets behind his success, offering insights and strategies that anyone who is passionate about writing can apply. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or just starting, you’ll discover that rejection isn’t failure, patience is invaluable, and it’s perfectly fine to explore various genres to find the one that satisfies your creative aspirations. This book is a guide for anyone looking to make writing work for them, just as it has for Harold.
Management eBooks
Management ebooks by Harold L Taylor
Develop a Goal-Setting Mindset
Project Management for Entrepreneurs
Procrastinate Less & Get More Done
Browse All Harold Taylor's Management eBooks Here!
Time Management Articles:
There is no such thing as a “best planner.”
A Time Management Article by Harold TaylorThere are hundreds of different paper planners on the market today. Do you know why? Because there are hundreds of ways to record your plans, and just as many approaches to planning. Back in the early 80s, in the heyday of my...
When people are most productive
A Time Management Article by Harold TaylorThe Secrets of Our Body Clocks by Susan Perry and Jim Dawson reveal some interesting information on how our internal clocks operate. For instance, most of us reach our peak alertness around noon. So, delaying lunch until...
How your circadian rhythm works
A Time Management Article by Harold TaylorRecently, there has been more research on our circadian rhythm, which acts something like an internal timer that determines how our bodies function during a 24-hour day. We are now beginning to understand the full significant...
For maximum performance, follow your biological clock
A Time Management Article by Harold TaylorSince ancient times people have experienced getting hungry, sleepy, alert, and so on at specific times of the day, and in the 1960s this whole new field of biology called chronobiology began to study what is now known as our...
Control your time through scheduling
A Time Management Article by Harold TaylorWhen you schedule your priorities and other important tasks and activities into your planning calendar, don't forget to include your family. Everyone I have talked to claim their family is their priority. But does the family...
Do you have junk in your trunk?
A Time Management Article by Harold TaylorTD Jakes, in his book, Before You Do, tells of a humorous incident when a friend picked him up at the airport. When the friend opened his trunk to put in the suitcases, there was no room. The trunk looks like a traveling...
The 7 Key Components of Personal Productivity.
A Time Management Article by Harold TaylorSome small companies measure productivity in terms of output alone, as opposed to output per hour, since they assume they have a stable workforce consisting of the same team of workers. They may think that any increases in...
Know how to say no.
A Time Management Article by Harold TaylorTo police your boundaries, you must be able to say no when appropriate. We hate to disappoint someone, especially friends and people we like and respect. And we do not want to appear uncooperative or selfish. We do not want to...
Let personal policies guide you in your business
A Time Management Article by Harold TaylorDuring my 50 years as a professional speaker and workshop facilitator, I have always had a set of “personal policies” that I would write in the front of my planner each year to remind me to adhere to my own boundaries. It is...