What do highly successful people have in common?
They Read. A Lot.New Book Available Now!
Making Writing Work for You
A contemporary guide to making income while writing in a digital world.
Harold Taylor is a testament to the power of writing. Writing has been his key to building confidence as an author, financing his education, and establishing a thriving speaking and training business. Even in semi-retirement, writing continues to sustain his lifestyle, mirroring the success he enjoyed during his professional career.
In Making Writing Work for You, Harold shares the secrets behind his success, offering insights and strategies that anyone who is passionate about writing can apply. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or just starting, you’ll discover that rejection isn’t failure, patience is invaluable, and it’s perfectly fine to explore various genres to find the one that satisfies your creative aspirations. This book is a guide for anyone looking to make writing work for them, just as it has for Harold.
Management eBooks
Management ebooks by Harold L Taylor
Develop a Goal-Setting Mindset
Project Management for Entrepreneurs
Procrastinate Less & Get More Done
Browse All Harold Taylor's Management eBooks Here!
Time Management Articles:
People who can’t control their anger really make me mad.
Emotional control, the next executive skill that we’ll discuss, is the ability to manage emotions in order to achieve goals. If you are strong in this skill you are relatively unemotional and cool under pressure. You're not easily sidetracked, resist temptation, don't...
How Memory Effects Our Ability to be Effective
Working memory is the ability to hold information in memory while performing complex tasks such as language comprehension, learning and reasoning. In the middle of a hectic day when you're going from one crisis to another and you still remember that you were supposed...
Think before you act
Understanding response inhibition It would be great if we were all strong in the executive skills listed in last week's blog; but unfortunately few of us are. I have never met anyone who didn't struggle at times with self-control, patience, focus, time management or...
Brain-based skills that impact how you manage time
An overview of the executive function skills A 2010 book, where the same authors of Smart but Scattered, Peggy Dawson and Richard Guare, team up with Chuck Martin, who has also been researching this area, is called Work Your Strengths: a Scientific Approach to...
Strengthening your executive skills is a lifelong process
Executive skills are critical in today's world because life is getting more and more complicated with increasing numbers of choices and decisions to make and less time in which to make them. The ability to set goals, plan and prioritize, and stay on course is vital if...
Strengthening your “Executive Skills”
How can we strengthen our executive skills? Sometimes referred to as” habits of the mind”, a person’s “executive skills” are those brain-based skills required to execute tasks – that is, getting organized, planning, initiating work, staying on task, controlling...
When you leave the office, the interruptions follow
We are ill-equipped to deal with the onslaught of interruptions introduced by technology. Our brain's natural inclination is to react to them. We coped with this in the old days by isolating ourselves from interruptions by closing our office door, having our calls...
Is technology changing the way we think – and live?
The Medium is the Message One thought stands out from the writings of Marshall McLuhan in the 1960s –“The medium is the message.” Step ahead 50 years and that statement now seems prophetic. The medium is the electronic technology such as e-mail, and as we remain...
Holistic Time Management and Technology
The Best Things in Life are Free from Technology: A case for holistic time management. A heading of an article in the May 17, 2012 issue of the Toronto Star caught my attention – "Outsourcing Life." It's true. We're outsourcing all the enjoyable, time-consuming things...