What do highly successful people have in common?

They Read. A Lot.
Harold Taylor has written over 40 eBooks on self-development and leadership skills designed to be read quickly. Averaging only 35 to 40 pages, these books can be read while travelling, waiting, or between major projects as a “change of pace” break. Valuable information in a nutshell to make you more productive and effective. Check them out here!
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New Book Available Now!

Making Writing Work for You - Harold Taylor

Making Writing Work for You

A contemporary guide to making income while writing in a digital world.
Harold Taylor is a testament to the power of writing. Writing has been his key to building confidence as an author, financing his education, and establishing a thriving speaking and training business. Even in semi-retirement, writing continues to sustain his lifestyle, mirroring the success he enjoyed during his professional career.

In Making Writing Work for You, Harold shares the secrets behind his success, offering insights and strategies that anyone who is passionate about writing can apply. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or just starting, you’ll discover that rejection isn’t failure, patience is invaluable, and it’s perfectly fine to explore various genres to find the one that satisfies your creative aspirations. This book is a guide for anyone looking to make writing work for them, just as it has for Harold.

Management eBooks

Management ebooks by Harold L Taylor

Develop a Goal-Setting Mindset

Develop a Goal-Setting Mindset

Goal-setting simplified. The process is easy since we are all goal-oriented by nature. This book shows you how.
Project management for entrepreneurs

Project Management for Entrepreneurs

In this practical book, time management authority and entrepreneur Harold Taylor will take you through a simplified five-step project management process using forms he has developed for this purpose.
Procrastinate less & get more done

Procrastinate Less & Get More Done

95% of people admit that they procrastinate, and it is impossible to stop completely; but by simply reducing procrastination, they can greatly increase personal productivity.

Browse All Harold Taylor's Management eBooks Here!

Time Management Articles:

It is right to keep writing.

It is right to keep writing.

A Time Management Article by Harold TaylorI realize that with the advent of laptops and iPads, came the practice of typing notes in classrooms, workshops, meetings, and office situations, handwritten notes seem to be going the way of the dodo bird. I suppose I am as...

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Write it into your memory.

Write it into your memory.

A Time Management Article by Harold TaylorKeeping a diary, journal or logbook helps keep you in the moment.  If you use a paper planning calendar to record appointments, activities, and events, you are giving your memory a great assist.  When you write things down it...

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Break the multitasking habit

Break the multitasking habit

A Time Management Article by Harold TaylorIf you seem to be getting less done, but working harder, and feeling drained of energy before the day is over, you could be a victim of the multitasking craze. Almost everyone has multitasked at one time or another. Most do it...

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