Growing older without growing old

Growing older without growing old

In the weeks following, I will be posting the entire book, Growing Older Without Growing Old, one chapter at a time. Here’s the introduction. Where relevant, I have links to e-books that discuss those topics in greater detail. Introduction In general, we mature and...
How to communicate with the elderly

How to communicate with the elderly

The author of The Brain Training Revolution claims that two thirds of Americans older than 50 complain of memory problems. According to the Alzheimer’s Association in Canada, where I live, over 747,000 Canadians are living with Alzheimer’s or other...
Friendship clubs can increase longevity.

Friendship clubs can increase longevity.

 I promised periodic updates on country living and how it can increase health and longevity. Here is a description of a local friendship club, simple and informal, that I mention in a new book I am writing with the working title of “How to grow old without growing...
Growing old is optional.

Growing old is optional.

It’s important to get rid of the myth that you’re old when you reach retirement age. There’s a difference between growing older and getting old. Old age is a destination. Growing older is a journey. I’m not old. I’m only 83, getting older all the...