by Harold Taylor | Dec 3, 2022 | Holistic Time Management
Although I used to nap only occasionally, I now nap on most days. I nap for a half-hour in the early afternoon. Napping is good for the learning brain. It helps strengthen the brain’s connections formed while working on your tasks, whether they involve writing, study,...
by Harold Taylor | Oct 11, 2022 | Holistic Time Management
Will you still be alive and active in 2050? At 88, the odds are against my being here, but if so, I’d only be 116 years old. And that’s possible if Harvard Medical School aging researcher David Sinclair is right in suggesting that the first person to live...
by Harold Taylor | Sep 26, 2022 | Holistic Time Management
What do you do for a living? That’s a question that is easily answered by most professionals, managers, tradespersons, and other workers. “I’m a financial planner, professional organizer, bank manager, accountant, lawyer, salesperson, bookkeeper,...
by Harold Taylor | Aug 1, 2022 | Holistic Time Management
If you are in a job that is pure drudgery or distasteful or stressful, you can reduce its negative impact on your mental health by reframing it. For example, tell yourself it is something you choose to do temporarily, until you get a better job elsewhere. Or imagine...
by Harold Taylor | Jun 6, 2022 | Holistic Time Management
Personal productivity, time management, and people skills took a leap forward when management heeded the behavioral scientists’ findings, especially the motivational theories put forward by Abraham Maslow (Hierarchy of needs), Douglas McGregor (Theory X & Theory...
by Harold Taylor | Mar 28, 2022 | Holistic Time Management
A Time Management Article by Harold Taylor When I was first trying to get published in a fiction magazine over 50 years ago, one editor took the time to offer constructive criticism. I will never forget the rejection letter he sent to me along with my returned story....
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