by Harold Taylor | Sep 27, 2017 | General Time Management
There’s an old story about a man chasing after a bus as it left the station only to return exhausted. A young lad watching his failed effort told him, “Too bad, mister. You should have run faster.” The man replied, panting, “No son. I should have left home sooner.”...
by Harold Taylor | Sep 21, 2017 | General Time Management
Any task you do should be done both efficiently and effectively. Efficiency is doing something in the best possible way, while effectiveness is doing the best possible thing. When you do something as efficiently and effectively as possible, you are being productive....
by Harold Taylor | Aug 23, 2017 | General Time Management, The Brain
Decades ago, we used to take coffee breaks to escape, if only momentarily, from the stress of continually focusing on one task after another – with few distractions or variety in tasks to provide any mental relief. Today, we need “work breaks” to escape...
by Harold Taylor | Aug 16, 2017 | General Time Management
Money certainly can buy happiness – if you are willing to part with the money! In fact a recent study reported in the July 25, 2017 issue of Science & Environment revealed that using money to free up time is linked to increased happiness. According to the...
by Harold Taylor | Aug 2, 2017 | General Time Management
“Worldview” is a term that Seth Godin uses in his book, “All marketers tell stories,” to refer to a consumer’s rules, values, beliefs and biases. Something is true in the mind of an individual because the person believes it’s true. That is the basis of a...
by Harold Taylor | Jul 27, 2017 | General Time Management
The Pareto Principle, named after an Italian economist-sociologist, Alfredo Pareto, states that the significant items in a given group normally constitute a relatively small portion of the total items in the group. The ratio that holds true in most cases is 80:20. For...
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