Pessimists seldom prosper

Pessimists seldom prosper

Lastt week’s blog article, as well as the next one, are based on my latest eBook, “A Positive Attitude that Gets Results,” soon to be published by Bookboon. Dr. Edward Creagan in his book, How not to be my patient, refers to research indicating that pessimists have a...
Attitude can make you or break you.

Attitude can make you or break you.

During my career as a time management trainer and facilitator, I have learned that some people feel that they have little control over their time. They believe that their lives are completely controlled by external events.  Those people will likely gain little, if...
How to set realistic deadlines

How to set realistic deadlines

To determine how much time you will allow for a specific task or project, you should start by recalling how much time you normally took in the past and subtract any distractions, interruptions, unforeseen delays and so on – in order to get an ideal time. In the case...
The need for deadlines

The need for deadlines

The following article is an excerpt from my recent e-Book, Making Deadlines Work for You, published by “A deadline is a time or date before which a particular task must be finished or a particular thing must be done,” according to Collins English...