by Harold Taylor | Sep 23, 2023 | Writing
This article is a follow up to the last blog article titled “Keep your communication clear and concise.” It offers more examples of brevity in writing by eliminating needless words. Take the example of someone setting a “new record” in pole sitting. I have never heard...
by Harold Taylor | Sep 4, 2023 | Writing
It’s the message in your email, the story in your novel, and the information in your article or nonfiction book that is important to the reader. So, make them as clear and concise as possible. One way of doing this is to avoid converting verbs into nouns. Free the...
by Harold Taylor | Aug 21, 2023 | General Time Management, Writing
Michelangelo was a subtractive sculptor. He used a mallet and chisels and other tools to free a figure he visualized in a block of marble. It is the oldest form of sculpture, and many artists can visualize the finished piece of art in that block of granite or wood,...
by Harold Taylor | Aug 7, 2023 | Writing
I evolved as a time management speaker and trainer by keeping up to date with current knowledge as it relates to the use of time. By trying out different ways of working, and adapting what works best for me, I’ve also been able to evolve in my writing as well. I...
by Harold Taylor | Jul 22, 2023 | General Time Management, Technology
I ended my last blog article with a joke that illustrated the challenges of texting to maintain clear communications. It was from an article by Diana Windingland, author of Small Talk, Big Results. Windingland expressed a concern for teens and young adults who may be...
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