The power of reframing

The power of reframing

Reframing is expressing a concept, idea, or product differently. When we change our point of view on any given situation, the facts remain the same, but a deliberate shift is made in how we see it. We are reframing when we see a problem as a challenge and can imagine...
Pessimists seldom prosper

Pessimists seldom prosper

Lastt week’s blog article, as well as the next one, are based on my latest eBook, “A Positive Attitude that Gets Results,” soon to be published by Bookboon. Dr. Edward Creagan in his book, How not to be my patient, refers to research indicating that pessimists have a...
Attitude can make you or break you.

Attitude can make you or break you.

During my career as a time management trainer and facilitator, I have learned that some people feel that they have little control over their time. They believe that their lives are completely controlled by external events.  Those people will likely gain little, if...