by Harold Taylor | Oct 26, 2020 | Holistic Time Management, Proactive
Last week I started a series on being proactive when it comes to Alzheimer’s disease. It might seem strange in a business blog to be discussing a disease that most people attribute to seniors. But my latest e-book, published by Bookboon, How to Become a...
by Harold Taylor | Oct 19, 2020 | The Brain
Never be satisfied with a formal education. The real learning starts upon graduation. The usefulness of the information you receive before and after graduation is directly proportional to the number of years you spend in the workforce. I believe this, because...
by Harold Taylor | Oct 13, 2020 | General Time Management
I recommend that people find their high energy time in the morning and start working on their top priority for about 90 minutes. Then take a break of about 15 or 20 minutes before starting the priority task. Following the second 90-minute work session there should be...
by Harold Taylor | Oct 5, 2020 | General Time Management
Procrastination is the continual, deliberate postponement of tasks that are best done now. It is putting off what you want most in favor of what you want at the moment. Deciding to complete a task at a future date is not procrastinating; it is planning. And...
by Harold Taylor | Sep 28, 2020 | General Time Management
Matthew Lieberman, in his book, Social: why our brains are wired to connect, mentions a poll that asked past employees which they would prefer, a raise or a better boss. Two-thirds answered that they would prefer a better boss over a higher salary. A good attitude...
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