by Harold Taylor | Feb 8, 2021 | Uncategorized
I denied any hearing loss for years, accusing everyone of mumbling, or claiming that the TV interfered, or “I could not hear you because the water was running.” As Mary Jordan suggests in her book, Coping with Mild Cognitive Impairment, it is sensible to have...
by Harold Taylor | Feb 1, 2021 | General Time Management
There are hundreds of books on time management and it would take thousands to describe the topic in detail. But here is my summary of what time management is all about. Do not try to manage time. You cannot manage time, but you can manage how you use it. ...
by Harold Taylor | Jan 25, 2021 | General Time Management
Glenn Adamson, a curator, and scholar, in his book Fewer, Better Things, claims that purchasing a crafted object prompts you to respect the person who made it. If you respect the object, he says, it is likely that you are going to respect the person who made it. I...
by Harold Taylor | Jan 19, 2021 | Uncategorized
Proactive people are action-oriented and start tasks before they are motivated to do so. The motivation comes after they have already started. They let their behavior drive their motivation to finish the task. In this case, it is action before...
by Harold Taylor | Jan 11, 2021 | General Time Management
People tend to work on the easiest tasks first and leave the more difficult tasks until later in the day. If the easiest tasks are also the most important, that is not as bad, but still not the best idea if there are important, difficult tasks to do. Despite the...
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