The importance of hearing loss

The importance of hearing loss

I denied any hearing loss for years, accusing everyone of mumbling, or claiming that the TV interfered, or “I could not hear you because the water was running.”  As Mary Jordan suggests in her book, Coping with Mild Cognitive Impairment, it is sensible to have...
Memories consume little space

Memories consume little space

Glenn Adamson, a curator, and scholar, in his book Fewer, Better Things, claims that purchasing a crafted object prompts you to respect the person who made it.  If you respect the object, he says, it is likely that you are going to respect the person who made it. I...
Time to be a proactive person.

Time to be a proactive person.

Proactive people are action-oriented and start tasks before they are motivated to do so.  The motivation comes after they have already started.  They let their behavior drive their motivation to finish the task.  In this case, it is action before...