The power of anticipation

The power of anticipation

To anticipate means to predict, expect, or think about what is likely to happen.  Whenever you anticipate that something might happen, you can immediately take action  instead of saying after the fact, “I was afraid that might happen.” The action you take...
The 7-day work plan.

The 7-day work plan.

Do not allow your workload to accumulate on a long “To-do” list or you will be paralyzed by the weight of it all. Just the sight of it will prompt you to procrastinate. You will lose time trying to sort out the priorities and making up your mind which ones to do...
Leave space in your life. 

Leave space in your life. 

Angela Watson, a motivational speaker for educators with 11 years of classroom teaching experience, in her book, Fewer Things, Better, uses the analogy of margins on notepaper to illustrate the importance of leaving space in your daily schedule. On most notepads,...
Do you really need a “Junk” drawer?

Do you really need a “Junk” drawer?

There was an interesting study done by Joybird, a custom furniture company, on how Americans organize their homes.  It involved a survey of 1900 people who were asked among other things, how often they organized their homes.  Responses indicated that 48.1%...