Making writing work for you

Making writing work for you

In my recent book, Making Writing Work for You, I mentioned in the final chapter that writing is cathartic or therapeutic. I briefly mentioned that as a teen I would write about my failures at dating girls, my failures at getting my stories published, failures in...
Anyone can become a top performer.

Anyone can become a top performer.

In my latest book, Making Writing Work for You, I suggest that even if you have an innate talent for writing, you must work just as hard to develop it. I’m convinced that anyone can become a great writer with sufficient perseverance, and purposeful practice. Daniel...
Be smart when using your smartphone.

Be smart when using your smartphone.

In the last blog article, I suggested that we might be introducing too much technology into our lives too quickly. The smartphone has already replaced your family landline, your wristwatch, your camera, your calendar, your alarm clock, and even your calculator and TV...